Readings in The BiRBA Library

It’s been 14 years now… Every Saturday morning, the members of BIRBA read stories to the children of St Anthony  (home school to BIRBA) both in Italian and in English.

Cushions of all shapes and sizes, little chairs and benches, reading stands, music .. everything is ready and it’s time for magic!!!

Every Saturday, BIRBA volunteers read at least three stories and present many more! The aim is to help the little readers get to know all about what there is in the library, which is organised by genre and author.

The readings help  to broaden their tastes, and to help them learn, too, to navigate the library so as to find (with out help but also slowly on their own!) new stories and types of stories  to love.

BIRBA has books on art, science, history, mythology and much more! The children are absolutely free to choose to take home whatever book they feel suits them best on any given Saturday.

Readings in The BiRBA Library. Birba Association Assisi, Umbria, Italy

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member of BiRBA

We are looking for friends who can share our passion for and love of books and reading.

You can decide to support us in many different ways, first of all, by becoming a member. If you like, you can request your membership card by e-mail or by filling out our contacts form!

Diventa socio Birba, sostieni il nostro progetto di promozione della lettura tra bambini e ragazzi